It is important to challenge yourself. If you stay at the same level for a long time, you will very likely plateau with your fitness. Here are 5 extremely advanced TRX exercises that you can try if you are fit, strong, and confident in your abilities. We recommend you perform all exercises in a safe manor and environment. If you don't think that you can perform these exercises, then don't. These variations are a lot of fun, and they will challenge your strength significantly.
*FOR ADVANCED TRX USERS ONLY* Attempt at your own risk.
Inverted TRX Hold + 50lb Single Arm Chest Press (Pretty sure I invented this one)
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20lb Weight Vest Advanced TRX Chest Press, Feet Elevated on Stability Ball
20lb Weight Vest TRX Inverted Bicep Curl
TRX Single Arm Advanced Plank + 50lb Kettlebell Row
Single Arm & Single Leg Inverted TRX Row