We recently released a survey to the Tough Mudder community to determine which Tough Mudder obstacles are considered the most difficult. We have the results below, and we'll be counting down from 5 to 1.
NUMBER 5: Electric Eel (11 Votes)
Shocking result...haha, see what I did there? It's certainly not an obstacle that takes physical training to complete, it's all about your will power.

Trio Fitness Training provides coaching and training programs for participants in Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, Savage Race, and any other obstacle course race out there. We've helped hundreds of people, and we'd love to help you as well! View our OCR Training Programs and Sign Up today.
NUMBER 4: Pyramid Scheme (12 Votes)
Not unlike your traditional business pyramid scheme, this obstacle is best completed with lots of people. Will things get dirty and slippery? Yes. Are you going to be grabbing arms and legs and pushing butts in some instances? It's possible. You'll make it over though.

NUMBER 3: Well Swung (20 Votes)
GRIP STRENGTH. Train it! Further, it would be very beneficial for you to do add some Box Jump and Broad Jumps into your workouts so you can get a clean jump. If you are able, you should also try doing some swinging off of a Pullup Bar or Monkey Bar to try to get a feel for this in training.

NUMBER 2: Everest (27 Votes)
For this obstacle, and obstacles similar to this at other OCR's, you need 3 things. First, you need speed. Second, you need shoes with good traction on wet surfaces. Finally, you need a strong grip/strong upper body strength. Exercises like Hill Sprints would be perfect for the "speed" part. Grippy shoes are something you'll have to work on - you might find some helpful information in this article: The Best Shoes For OCR 2024. For the grip/pull strength portion, I recommend lots of Pullups, Chinups, Inverted Rows, Dumbbell Rows, Barbell Rows, Hanging Leg Raises, Hanging Grip Switches, Scapular Pullups, and Dead Hangs.

NUMBER 1: Funky Monkey (32 Votes)
If you have Monkey Bars to train on, I highly recommend using them. Find a local park that has Monkey Bars (not just because they both have "Monkey" in the name), and practice. Practice swinging movements and going back and forth down the Monkey Bars. If you can MASTER Monkey Bars, you have a very reel shot at Funky Monkey. If you want to see demos for Monkey Bar training, view this article: Multiple Methods to Complete Monkey Bars.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to have you back for more articles and training in the future.
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