It seems like lots of race companies have really cool things about them. For some, it's the creative and challenging obstacles. For others, it's the convenience of the equipment they provide. Still others use much more challenging and differing terrain. I want to steal all the best ideas and put them into one single event! This is what it would look like...
1: Obstacles
I'm hiring Savage Race's obstacle crew to put together our obstacles. Aside from OCR World Championships (which don't exactly count since they use obstacles from tons of different races already), Savage Race has the greatest variety and most challenging and uniquely cool obstacles. Especially lately, it seems like they've amped up their obstacle variations, and they look epic.
2: Bibs/Numbers
I'm stealing Spartan Race's setup here. I LOATH bibs. They are a nuisance and unnecessarily in the way. I've finished more than a few OCR's with just one safety pin still holding my bib on. Headbands are WAY better. Yeah, they can come off, but the only time I've ever seen that is at a Dunk Wall, and that is very easy mistake to avoid. Headbands also conveniently double as sweatbands.

3: Obstacle Completion Rules
See, I'm not about burpees. I get why Spartan has them and all, but I just think the main focus of an Obstacle Course Race should be completion of the obstacles; especially in the competitive waves. There are a few OCRs that weigh obstacle completion over pure finish time. I think that's the right way to go in OCR. So that would be the rules for my ultimate event.
4: Terrain
Many of the more beginner-friendly OCRs are done on flatter, less technical terrain. Other events, like many of Spartan's, are held on some of the most technically challenging mountains around. I'm partial to mountains. I just absolutely love everything about running in the mountains. However, for the ultimate OCR, I'd hold it on terrain with some steep climbs, but not with many thousands of feet of elevation gain. I'd want to see the athletes compete at full throttle racing flatter terrain, and climbing fast and steep. Ideally, I'd set up a course with 1,200-1,700ft of elevation gain coming from two or three steep climbs.

5: Distance
5K's are too short. They are over so fast! Yeah, it's fun to push hard and fast, but for the ideal OCR, I want the distance at 10 miles. It's long enough to require people to prepare for and showcase their training, and it's short enough that athletes who typically compete in slightly shorter races can reach and perform well. Very importantly for those who are money-conscious, 10 miles is long enough to get your money's worth.
6: Post Race Nutrition
Bananas are good and all. It's not really a race if there aren't bananas at the end, so I guess I'll include them. Mostly though, we need Fitaid, Trimino, Larabars, Ice-cold water, and Chocolate Milk.

7: T-Shirts
Savage Race is taking this award as well. I'd unapologetically steal their t-shirt guy. Whatever blend they have with cotton and polyester or whatever, it's awesome. Their shirts fit so well and are super comfy. I'm not a fan of Spartan's (Craft's?) athletic t-shirts, and it seems like most other companies that I've raced with have "normal" t-shirt material that isn't especially...special.

8: Medals
The medals have to be...something. They need to be big, and epic. OCRWC has done an awesome job with medals in the past, as has Savage Race. For this event to have the best medals though, I'd have to reach out to whoever designs the medals at Bone Frog Challenge and get their help. I mean, just look at that thing...

9: Name
Naming an OCR is essential. Savage, Spartan, Bone Frog (Navy Seal reference), Indian Mud Run, etc. Awesome names. The names convey a gritty challenge ahead. Here's the thing: I don't know what to call this best-of-the-best OCR. If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments on this blog post or on FB if you got here through FB.

I think it'd be epic. The best of the best! Maybe that's just me though...bring on the disagreements :D