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How Ruckers Are Training 2024

Writer: Trio Fitness Training Trio Fitness Training

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

First and foremost, THANK YOU to the 85 athletes who completed the survey. This is our first year putting together data for how Ruckers are training, so we're glad you were a part of it. Hopefully these results give some insight into what distances, weights, gear, and other training Rucking athletes are performing.

rucking on a mountain

Question 1: What BRAND AND MODEL of Ruck do you use MOST? (If you own multiple brands, choose the one you use most often - please provide both Brand and Model in your answer).

ruck brands

Unfortunately, a significant number of responders didn't include the model of Ruck that they use, just the brand despite the question. That's okay, we're just going to break the data up by brand only for that reason. Also, if you add up the numbers here, they don't add up to 85. I'm not sure what happened, but I triple-checked my work...somehow answers got lost even though it was a required question. Sorry guys. Clearly, GoRuck is highly represented.

Question 2: What footwear do you NORMALLY/MOST OFTEN use when Rucking?

ruck footwear

We had some diehard fans in the group. Instead of selecting one of the options, they started writing in the brand and model of shoe they wore...which wasn't the goal with this question. The goal was to determine what TYPE of footwear people are wearing for rucks. For those who responded with brand/model, I put them into the category that the belonged in. I thought boots were going to take this, honestly. Interesting.

Question 3: How many miles do you Ruck PER WEEK ON AVERAGE? (Mileage will typically vary, so just provide your best average guess)

rucking miles per week

The VAST majority are rucking 20 miles or less per week on average. Personally, not addressing weight yet, I think that's good mileage. For the 1 individual hitting 50+ miles of rucking per week on average...we salute you. If you have a deep love for rucking, or you have a big goal, cool. If neither of, maybe cut back a bit and save your body some unnecessary stress.


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Question 4: What pace do you NORMALLY/GENERALLY hold when Rucking? (ROUND TO THE NEAREST MINUTE PACE)

rucking pace

I love this data. Weight aside, this shows just how different everyone is in their pacing...there are standards for competition and military events, but if you aren't doing either of those things, ruck at whatever pace you want. That's up to you. All of the, "you have to ruck at such a pace"...ignore that. 1 person said they pace below 7 mins per mile on average while rucking. If so, that's INSANE. I know some extremely high level ruckers, but none of them average a 7, much less below. What if it were the same person doing 50+ miles per week? This person would be an absolute savage.

Question 5: How much weight (in pounds) do you NORMALLY carry when rucking? (We understand that you may change the weight frequently - select the weight that you use most often)

ruck weight

The weight you carry will depend on a lot of things. My experience, and the experience of others I've worked with is pretty extensive. My general overall recommendation is rucking with 45lbs is sufficient and for recreational rucking, there is no need to carry more. MORE IMPORTANTLY, I just know there is some superhuman out there who is rucking with more than 70lbs, 50+ miles per week, and at a sub 7 min per mile pace...I don't care if it's a lie, or those responses aren't from the same person. I WANT to believe this.

Question 6: How many years have you been Rucking? (You can count any years where you rucked even a few times)

years spent rucking

To the 12 in their first year, welcome. To the 2 over 20 years, you're awesome. For everyone between, great job staying consistent! It doesn't matter how long you've been doing something as long as you stay consistent...time adds up. If you enjoy rucking, keep at it.

Question 7: What BRAND OF SOCK DO YOU TYPICALLY WEAR when Rucking? (We understand that it may vary. Just write the brand you use the most)

rucking socks

Okay okay, I had to down the options to the Top 3. There were 15+ brands listed, and many had one or two people who listed them. Instead of having a massive list with tons of brands, here are your top 3. Personally, I love Darn Tough socks for rucking (and running). They are very expensive for socks, but I have had the same pairs for 6 years now and they are still awesome...I wasn't surprised to see them with the most people using them.

Question 8: What other forms of training do you typically participate in ON A WEEKLY BASIS?

cross training

I'm just imagining it. The Super Rucker. 50+ Miles per week, sub 7 min per mile pace, 70lbs+ of weight, and doesn't do any other forms of training. hahaha. Okay, I'm done. Seriously though, cross training is very important for keeping a healthy, strong body. You don't have to do everything, but mixing a few things in together in an organized and planned way can help you immensely in your health and fitness journey.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully you found this information as interesting as I did. Keep training consistently!


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Trio Fitness Training was established in 2015 as a passion project by brothers Joel & Luke Hayes. Now they continue their passion in endurance sports by coaching athletes of all levels in OCR, Hybrid, and Tactical Fitness Competitions.

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