One of the great things about Obstacle Course Racing is that you can train for it with limited equipment and still complete all, or most, of the obstacles at any race in the world.

We have a list of items, which in total, will cost you less than $500.00 to build an OCR gym. If you use them frequently, and if you master them, there is no obstacle that you can't overcome at Spartan Race, Savage Race, Tough Mudder, or any other Obstacle Course Race in the world.
You can hang a climbing rope from a properly-mounted bracket in the ceiling, on a tree limb, or any other stable object that's higher up. It doesn't even have to be super high. Even 8 feet of rope to climb will help you build a TON of grip strength and upper body strength which will carry over to many of the more challenging obstacles in OCR.

Pullup Bar: $119.99
There are dozens upon dozens of upper body exercises you can do with a pullup bar, and most, if not all of them, require you to work your grip strength. Here is a list of just SOME of the exercises that are available to you when you have a pullup bar.
Pullup Negatives
Chinup Negatives
Isometric Pullups
Isometric Chinups
Hanging Hand Release
Hanging Grip Switches (arms fully extended)
Hanging Grip Switches (arms bent)
Hanging Knee Raises (arms full extended)
Hanging Knee Raises (arms bents)
Hanging Knee Raises (with isometric pullup or chinup hold)
Hanging Leg Raises
Front Lever
Front Lever Pulls
Front Lever Pullups

The list goes on and on. If you can master even a handful of these exercises, you will have the upper body strength and grip strength needed for most obstacles.
30lb Kettlebell: $37.61
Some of you might be thinking that a 30lb Kettlebell may be too light. Just remember, this is for OCR training. Almost no obstacle course race has heavy lifts or carries these days. Almost anyone can manage a 30lb Kettlebell with good form. Because OCR is an endurance sport, the goal will be to perform high repetitions with great form - it'll make you a much better racer. Here is a list of some valuable exercises you can perform with the Kettlebell.
Single Arm Kettlebell Swings
Single Side Weighted Lunges
Single Side Weighted Reverse Lunges
Single Side Farmers Carries
Kettlebell Should Press
Kettlebell Goblet Squat
Kettlebell Hammer Curls
Single Side Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats
Single Side, and Single Leg, Romanian Deadlifts
Single Side Kettlebell Deadlift

The list goes on.
TRX Suspension Trainer: $139.95
I have been using TRX for 10 years now, and I've owned the same TRX for 9 years. I've done a few hundred workouts using it, and there is no sign of wear or tear on it to date. It's been awesome. There are at least 200 exercises and variations that can be performed using a TRX, including lots of lower body strength and stability work, TONS of upper body work, and TONS of grip strength work. The TRX can be attached to a sturdy door (an attachment comes with it), to a safely-mounted bracket, around a tree, or whatever. We've written several articles about TRX in the past, so I won't list all of the different exercises here. Click any of the links below to view the other articles.

Cannonball Grip x 2: $70.00 ($35 each)
These are made by Race Ready Obstacles. They are probably the most well-known creators and innovators of obstacles in North America. These can be attached to any sturdy bar (like the pullup bar above) and if you can learn to master holding onto these, transitioning from a bar, to to these, or to a rope from these, you'll have the grip strength and skill to conquer most obstacles.

Our total cost is $410.52 (we left some room in the budget for shipping). These items alone can make you an EXCELLENT obstacle course racers if you use them properly and train well.
For those not sure how to use the items in this article to train for OCR, that's why we exist. We've coached dozens of obstacle course racers and we've helped many reach 100% obstacle completion, Age Group podiums, and more. We'd love to help you too.
Train hard, train smart, and let us know if you have any questions:
Text: 610-222-7155