We recently wrote an article based on survey results from 225 tactical athletes regarding the 3 Hardest ACFT Events. While the Standing Power Throw was not in the top 3 on that survey, there were so many comments on the article with people saying they would have chosen the Standing Power Throw. Let's talk about how you can improve your distance/score for this event.

How would it feel to increase your ACFT score by 20+ points in the course of a few weeks? We designed ACFT Mastery for that very purpose. You'll be able to feel the difference in your fitness, and you'll be able to see the difference on your score card. Sign up for ACFT Mastery today. You won't increase your score by waiting.
1: You MUST practice the movement.
You may think this is obvious, but let's face it, most people don't practice enough to improve. I have no clue why the Army chose the Standing Power Throw, because it's a movement almost no one ever does - particularly soldiers. But that doesn't matter right now, because we need to improve with the metric we have to work with. Because no one normally does this movement, it will take a lot of practice for most people to become efficient and GOOD at this movement. If you don't practice the movement a lot, don't be surprised if you don't have the skill to do well.
For more ACFT Training articles, check these out:
2: Train with a heavier ball.
You should train with a 10lb ball when you're trying to develop your technique and skill for the movement. That said, I HIGHLY recommend that you increase the weight to 15lbs or even 20lbs (as is appropriate for you) in order to build more strength through the movement. This will translate to improved performance over time when using the normal 10lb ball for the test.
3: Do American Kettlebell Swings.
American Kettlebell Swings are a very similar movement pattern to the Standing Power Throw (minus the release at the top). I'm 5'9 and weigh around 165lbs. I started implementing American Kettlebell Swings into my training 1-2x per week for 3ish weeks prior to an ACFT. My score went from my normal average of 9.5 meters to 10 meters. That was with no other practice. That increased my score from 77 points to 85 points with very little extra work. Put in some decent training on this, and you'll improve even more.
**Click the photo below to view a demo video of American Kettlebell Swings**
That's it. I know, it's too simple. Simple works. If you build the movement skill, increase the weight, and do similar movement patterns with weight, you will improve your Standing Power Throw. Even small improvement can translate to large increases in your score.
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